Monday, December 15, 2014

Bunaken: Its heaven in the sea

Hay travelers, come stop by my country, there are a lot of cool places, interesting and very beautiful that you deserve to go. Especially for you newlyweds who want a honeymoon, or do you like to make a trip or adventure, Come visit Bunaken, Sulawesi Indonesia.

Hay, if you love to dive and enjoy the beauty of the sea, this place is for you. Park is one of the best spots in the world for diving or snorkeling. With the diversity of marine life and beautiful lot, guaranteed you will be fascinated and will not want to leave this place !!!


Bunaken National Park allows people can clearly see the variety of marine life. There are 13 types of coral reefs in the marine park is dominated by marine rocks. The most interesting sights are the coral reefs towering steep vertical down as deep as 25-50 meters.

Feast your eyes on 91 species of fish in the Bunaken Marine Park, including a local fish gusimi horse (Hippocampus), white koi (Seriola rivoliana), yellow tail lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (spilotocepsep hinephelus and hypselosoma Pseudanthias), indigo trunk (Scolopsis bilineatus), and others.

Divers can also find molluscs such as giant clams (Tridacna gigas), fish head goat (Cassis cornuta), nautilus (Nautilus pompillius), and tunikates or askidian.

For those of you who love scuba diving then this place is the best place. There are about 20 point dive, where divers will have the opportunity to swim in the sea floor with an amazing variety of marine life.

Make sure you megunjungi Bunaken during the best time is between May and August. In this month you can explore the whole of this beautiful marine park.

Bunaken National Park was established in 1991 and is one of the first marine park in the world. In 2005 Bunaken be a world heritage site after Indonesian registered in UNESCO. A significant increase in tourists visiting the park. Bunaken National Park can be divided into two parts, the northern and southern parts. The northern part includes five islands, and a coastal area between Molas to Tiwoho called Coastal Molas-Wori. The southern part is composed entirely coastal area between the village  Poopoh and the village Popareng called  Coast Arakan-Wawontulap. In this region, there are 22 villages with a population of about 35 thousand people. Most are farmers and fishermen and 25% of his work in the field of tourism.

You can explore the island by foot or use the ship to move from one place to other place. Even just by walking around the beach alone should be a pleasant experience. So, diving is not the only option. Another way is to use a semi-submersible vessel leased offshore Bunaken Island. These ships provide walls of glass to enjoy the beauty and exoticism of Bunaken sea floor. There is also a Blue Banter submarine that will only operate during high tides. Sights gained more leverage, although of course the pricing is much more expensive than semi-submersible vessel walled glass

Diving is the best way if you want to fully and clearly enjoy the beauty of the underwater panorama Bunaken. There are 23 places snorkeling or diving. Do not bother to bring their own diving equipment because there leased equipment with prices ranging from Rp 100 thousand per day. Not only see the line in such a variety of fish milling and seagrass meadows, you also can see approximately 390 species of coral reefs that exudes an amazing charm. Unique grooved shape, cracks up to a cave or tunnel underwater tiny it may be impossible to find elsewhere. Under the expanse of the sea area of 890.65 km2 in the Bay of Manado, we will discover the charm the beauty created by the Almighty to enjoy the colorful coral reefs. There are more than 200 species of fish and a variety of other marine biota. You will feel the thrill of diving with a dish of fascinating underwater scenery in the park which is located 75 nautical miles from Manado Beach. This dive site can be reached by a 35 minute trip by motorboat.

The best dive sites are located mainly near Bunaken and Manado Tua. The following are the places that represent the dive sites.

  • Bunaken Timor
    Have strong currents with a lot of fish. Reefs are probably not as spectacular others but this is where you can see turtles, sharks, eagle rays, and large fish swimming to and fro. There are also dangling seaweed and small caves that mark the walls.
  • Wall Lekuan (I, II, III)
    Wall Lekuan (I, II, III) is a long wall in the Park which is divided into three namely Lekuan I, II, and III. All three have the best marine park with steep walls and deep crevices and sea fans and giant sponges. Shallow place filled with fish. The walls, often protected from strong currents, which is frequented by a large group parrot fish and turtles.
  • Mandolin
    Mandolin is a marine park that has the cliffs and walls were inhabited by thousands of fish like the hordes of fish shooter, surgeonfish, unicornfish, and bannerfish. They are accustomed to swimming and approachable.
  • Tanjung Kopi
    Tanjung Kopi is a small wall inhabited by a swarm of barracuda and many fish sweetlip. Visibility in shallow water is not too good but the amount of fish makes it interesting for you observe. Fish Nudi branch and Fish  fire gobies will be easily seen here.
  • Puncak barracuda
    Puncak Barracuda in northwest is one of the farthest place. A swarm of giant barracuda between jack and tuna fish.
  • Siladen
    Siladen has a beautiful smooth rock walls that will live when the current comes. Looks beautiful shallow sea with fish and schooling snappers.
  • Muka Gereja (front af a church)
    Muka Gereja is a beautiful place with thousands of fish in shallow water and trench that leads to the sea wall.
  • Shipwreck in Manado
    Ship length is 60 m (200 ft below the sea) is owned by German merchants who drowned near Molas Beach in 1942. The ship was sunk upright at a depth of 23 m (78 ft below the sea). Split in the middle of the ship and show the wheelhouse and handle cargo. Dive ends in shallow reef near the visibility of 10-15 m (30-50 ft below the sea). 

In addition to diving enthusiasts, bird lovers and bird watchers can visit a nature reserve Tangkoko Dua Sudara Nature.  


Bunaken is located in the Bay of Manado, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.


To achieve Manado, you can choose to use the aircraft serving the route, both from Jakarta, Denpasar, Makassar and Sorong.Dapat also by ship, but it will take longer.
Bunaken Island is very easy to accomplish from Manado by motor boat. Departing from the port of Manado, Molas, Kalasey, and Tasik Ria Beach. The ferry from Manado to Bunaken leave around 14:00 (depending on the tide).

Facilities and accommodation

Facilities available at this place is complete, because this place is one of the tourist destinations most visited by tourists both domestic and foreign.
There are several cafes and restaurants that provide a variety of seafood at this place, if you do not like seafood, you can also find some food stalls that provide food other than seafood.
If you want a souvenir shop, a lot of stalls selling souvenirs at this place, ranging from t-shirts, ornaments of shells and the like, the typical cloth Manado, crafts, etc..
For lodging or hotel also widely available in this place, ranging from a low price with simple facilities, to five star hotels with luxurious facilities.

Thank you for your visit, I hope you enjoy this blog and do not forget to comments, criticisms and suggestions, do not forget to also follow this blog and like this blogs, once again I say thank you very much ..

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