Thursday, November 13, 2014

Sensation of shopping at the floating market

Hay travelers, come stop by my country, there are a lot of cool places, interesting and very beautiful that you deserve to go. Especially for you newlyweds who want a honeymoon, or do you like to make a trip or adventure, Come visit Floating Market Borneo Indonesia.

Still in South Borneo, this time I will discuss about shopping, tourist shopping here is different from the others. Usually, the market was on land, but this market is in the river, yes, the market over the river. This market is different from the market in general, in addition to the place that is above the river, this market does not use the building, but by boat.

This market is commonly called the floating market. Actually there are two floating market which can be visited in South Kalimantan is the floating market in Muara Kuin and Lok Baintan. But to watch the floating market you have to be willing to get up early in the morning, because if you wake up during, the market will be quiet because the seller had gone home. There you will be treated to what it feels like there is no land, doing all the buying and selling activities on the water, shopping goods, or staples such as rice and other foodstuffs must deftly from boat to boat (do not imagine rice boat, used boat is a boat small or canoe) and if we buy food and eat there, eat even while rocking on a boat because the waves.

Do not worry for those of you who have not had breakfast at home because there are many sellers of food and as well as breakfast in the restaurant on the water here. Be careful when you jump to change the boat, because the slightest slip, the boat that rocked, if it can not keep the balance of your body, you can fall into the river.

And do not forget to bring cash, a pity if it is early in the morning wake up, but only saw, but did not buy anything, but it is also because there is no cash machine in this place, not because of minimal facilities, but it can not be placed in boats are not too wide.

But unfortunately this attraction increasingly reduced because increasingly pressured by a culture that increasingly facilitated land, without any follow-up of the government may be a few years from now it will stay floating markets memories.

When finished with a floating market, we can continue with traveled to visit the Flowers island, as we discussed yesterday, this flower island is an island located in the middle of the Barito river. On this island we can interact with wild monkeys, we can give them food. If you want to continue to this Flower island, at the time at the floating market buy fruit to feed the monkeys, do not forget to buy food for us to eat.


Muara Kuin Floating Market is located at the estuary of the Barito river, precisely in Banjarmasin city, South Borneo Province, Indonesia.


This floating market can be reached by car or motorcycle from Banjarmasin to the Barito river. From here continue by boat, rent a boat here depends on the distance traveled. Rental prices range from Rp 125,000 to Rp 200,000 (about 12.5 to 20 US $). If you want to get to the island of flowers, can more expensive, depending on the agreement and also bargain.

There are several boat rental place around the Barito river, as in the tomb and mosque of Sultan Suriansyah as well as in the dock.

Facilities and accommodation

Facilities available at the floating market is limited, because the market is a collection of boats traders, so there are no toilets or showers. But for makannan affairs, in the floating market is quite a lot of food vendors. For lodging, you should look for in the city of Banjarmasin.

Come here and take immediate families and friends, enjoy new experiences with shopping at the floating market.

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