Hay travelers, come stop by my country, there are a lot of cool places, interesting and very beautiful that you deserve to go. Especially for you newlyweds who want a honeymoon, or do you like to make a trip or adventure, but on this occasion I will introduce about one of the animals existing exsotis the island of Sumatra, Indonesia
Differences with the previous post, this time I will discuss about the fauna in Sumatra, precisely in the province of Lampung. None other than that the Sumatran rhino.
As the name suggests, the Sumatran rhino is one of the typical animals owned island of Sumatra. "Sumatran Rhinoceros" (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is actually the traditional name of three sub-species of rhinoceros, the Sumatran rhinoceros west (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis), Sumatran Rhinoceros East (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harrissoni), and the North Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis lasiotis). "North Sumatran Rhino" has now been declared extinct, "east of the Sumatran rhinoceros" is also found in the jungles of Borneo is estimated there are about 50, while the western Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis) there are about 200 individuals. It is unfortunate that these exotic animals are diminishing in number every year as a result of poaching.But do not worry, because the government has to conserve the fauna in the national park so it will be gated.
Sumatran fauna are protected in national parks in Sumatra, such as in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. In this national park, the Sumatran rhino population is estimated to live only 60 to 80 head only. The amount represents the 2nd largest population in the world. Moreover, these unique animals are also often found in the jungle Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Gunung Leuser National Park, and Way Kambas National Park is also located in Sumatra.
Hairy rhino
Besides the only hairy rhino in the world, including the Sumatran rhinoceros species of rhinoceros smallest of all species of rhino in the world. This form of body fat and slightly rounded, with a body weight reached about 909 Kg. Sumatran rhino-sized height 120 to 145 cm, and a length of about 250 cm. Sumatran rhino has two horns. The length of the front horns about 15-25 cm, while the rear horn is smaller with a size of about 10 cm. Rhino horns in females is smaller and shorter than the male rhino.
In addition to the two-horned, Sumatran rhino is the hallmark of long fur covering the entire body. Starting from the outer side of the front legs, belly, got his hind legs. In fact, for the Sumatran rhinos living in the wild, fur is more dense than those living in captivity. Typical Sumatran rhino is the only hairy rhino in the world.
When the baby, endemic to the island of Sumatra was covered with a very dense hair. As you age, the hair growth becomes less and less dense so they would not like initially. Weather conditions at the place of residence may have contributed to the condition of the animal fur is endemic to Sumatra. Its fur will grow shorter in hot regions. Instead, it will grow in the dense cold regions.
As with other types of rhino, Sumatran rhino thick skin between 10 and 16 millimeters. In the groin, front legs and hind legs are thick skin folds. So that from a distance will seem like a harness or armor. Another feature of this is endemic to Sumatra has a curved lip on-hook to bottom, reddish brown skin color.
Rare animals
Habitat for Sumatran rhino is the waterfront area to the mountains high enough. With the condition of the site is available water, shelter, and enough food. The food itself was lower leaves and twigs. Uniquely original Sumatran rhino is also fond of eating cane, palm and plant stem ginger.
If the weather is in place tend to bright, Sumatran rhinoceros usually chose down to lower ground, in order to find a drier place. Each day Sumatran rhino can cover the distance as far as 12 miles in 20 hours, be it at night or during the day.
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